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Chen Roberts Corporation has the analytical skills and expertise to set your goals and achieve them. A Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) from Chen Roberts Corporation will provide you with the tools you need to maximize value for a changing market.

Financial Analysis
for Commercial Investment Real Estate

  • Calculate the value of a property
  • Measure investment performance
  • Finance real estate investments
  • Compare before and after tax yields

Market Analysis
for Commercial Investment Real Estate

  • Estimate supply and forecast demand for investments
  • Select a site
  • Analyze retail, office, residential, and industrial investments

User Decision Analysis
for Commercial Investment Real Estate

  • Identify users and investors
  • Compare financing options
  • Evaluate leasing alternatives
  • Negotiate terms and complete transactions

Investment Analysis
for Commercial Investment Real Estate

  • Assess invetment needs to determine a proper strategy
  • Analyze various properties to select the optimal investment
  • Examine various disposition strategies

CCIM Intro CCIM 101 CCIM 102 CCIM 103 CCIM 104